Alexandra Barbot has a degree from the State University of Port-Au-Prince Haiti for law, and a certificate in German language from the Ludwig Maximillian University in Munich Germany. Ms. Barbot is also an author. She has published in 1993 “De la protection de l’environnement en Haiti”.
For her master degree in law that will be available in 2011 to the public. She has co-published in 1998 an article with two German attorneys “Produkt Piraterie, ein wirtschaftliches problem” and for a German business club. Ms. Barbot has co-published and illustrated in 2008 and 2009 with Mrs. Jeanine Agnant “Mommy tell me about Haiti”. She studied art with the internationally renowned Haitian Roland Dorcely. Mrs. Barbot has exhibited her work in Haiti, Germany and France and has worked with many Haitian and American nonprofit organizations in Miami. She donates her artwork to worthy causes for fund-raising events. She…
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