Stay in the Loop
February 10, 2014 By wwohd1120 2 Comments
We’ve been all over Miami, reading from our new anthology, “So Spoke the Earth.” Where are we heading next? Join our Facebook group and stay in the loop! Also, if you need to reach some cheap ghostwriters for hire immediately, use our contact form at the site.
Edited by Women Writers of Haitian Descent, Inc., Onè? Respè! promotes and explores the fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and journalistic works of contemporary Haitian writers in English, French, and Haitian Creole. The journal also showcases emerging and established authors who are not from Haiti but nonetheless write about la Perle des Antilles, be they closeted essayists, budding novelists, gifted storytellers, or inspiring poets. We accept poems, interviews, personal essays, short stories, articles,or one-act plays by or about Haiti.

So Spoke the Earth: An Anthology
On January 12, 2010, "there was a terrible noise of earth shaking and houses cracking. And then: the cries of men and the cries of women, a great dust cloud taking Port-au-Prince in its fist." SO SPOKE THE EARTH is a multilingual anthology of literature about Haiti that explores its past, present and future as experienced by its diverse … [Read More]

“So Spoke the Earth” at AWP 2014
Each year, AWP holds its Annual Conference & Bookfair in a different city to celebrate the authors, teachers, writing programs, literary centers, and independent publishers of that region. The … [Read more...]

“So Spoke the Earth” at the South Florida Book Festival
On July 27, 2013, members of the Women Writers of Haitian Descent were at the South Florida Book Festival, from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., to read from the Haiti anthology SO SPOKE THE EARTH. The event … [Read more...]

“So Spoke the Earth” at Libreri Mapou
On January 27, 2013, the contributors of SO SPOKE THE EARTH were at Libreri Mapou, 5919 Northeast 2nd Avenue Miami, FL 33137, to read from the multilingual anthology of literature … [Read more...]

Remembering the 2010 Earthquake
Remembering January 12, 2010: A Multi-Lingual Presentation. Books & Books, in Coral Gables. Saturday, January 12, 2013, at 7 PM. FOCUS ON HAITI: On January 12, 2010, in Haiti, there was … [Read more...]

“So Spoke the Earth” at Books & Books
Saturday, Dec 15, 2012. 7:00 pm. Books & Books, in Coral Gables. Many came to meet literary legend Edwidge Danticat as she read from SO SPOKE THE EARTH, an anthology edited by M.J. Fievre and the Women Writers of Haitian Descent. Other readers included Kathie … [Read more...]

“So Spoke the Earth” at the 2012 Miami Book Fair International
Miami Book Fair International. Saturday, Nov. 17, 10:30 a.m., Batten (Building 2, 1st Floor, Room 2106). “So Spoke the Earth: Giving Haiti Voice” … [Read more...]
In the News

Interview on WLRN
Liliane Louis and M.J. Fievre will be on 91.3 FM WLRN at 9:00 pm tomorrow for a chat about the SO SPOKE THE EARTH reading at Libreri Mapou. Until then, enjoy the pictures we took during the recording!

Interview on UvU
uVu caught up with Joanne Hyppolite and Marie Ketsia Theodore-Pharel, authors of stories included in SO SPOKE THE EARTH as well as members of Women Writers of Haitian Descent, Inc. (WWHOD). The anthology SO SPOKE THE EARTH, written in English, French and Creole, accounts the different authors experiences with the island of Haiti. Watch the […]

Interview on Island TV
SO SPOKE THE EARTH contributors Joanne Hyppolite, Mahalia Solages, and M.J. Fievre were invited to Plezi Soley, a variety show hosted on Island TV by Naomie Labaty (Naomiel). Naomiel’s poem “Lakay” has also appeared in the anthology.

Interview on Tropik TV/NBC Miami
Liliane Louis and M.J. Fievre were interviewed by Nick Lawrence about the SO SPOKE THE EARTH reading at the 2012 Miami Book Fair International.


WWOHD initiates and participates in a variety of literary, artistic, and cultural programs at the community, national, and international level each year. Our activities are aimed at fostering greater awareness of Haiti’s literary and artistic culture, especially as it relates to women. The Women Writers of Haitian Descent, in association with Jean-Michel Daudier, have hosted several evenings celebrating music and the written word at Casa Champet, in Pembroke Pines, FL. See our slideshow here. … [Read More...]

This is Haiti…
"Cette vidéo nous démontre l'initiative autonome d'une personne qui tient à Cœur son pays. En quelques jours, il a fait ce montage vidéo afin de nous rappeler l'importance des valeurs, de la beauté et des richesses de notre pays et, qu'il est possible de faire beaucoup, sans trop de financement, la promotion de notre pays. La campagne de lancement du changement d'Image d'Haïti a démarré... … [...]