About Onè? Respè!

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Onè? Respè! is the journal of the Women Writers of Haitian Descent, Inc. (and friends)

Onè? Respè! promotes and explores the fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and journalistic works of contemporary Haitian writers in English, French, and Haitian Creole. The journal also showcases emerging and established authors who are not from Haiti but nonetheless write about la Perle des Antilles, be they closeted essayists, budding novelists, gifted storytellers, or inspiring poets. We accept poems, interviews, personal essays, short stories, articles,or one-act plays by or about Haiti.

Our website will be online for one more year, thanks to our benefactors.

2011-2012 Editor-in-Chief M.J. Fievre’s short stories and poems in English have appeared in The Beautiful Anthology (TNB Books, 2012), Haiti Noir (Akashic Books, 2011), The Mom Egg, Healthy Stories, Writer’s Digest, The Caribbean Writer, and Daily Bites of Flesh: 365 Days of Flash Fiction. Read more about M.J. by clicking here.


  1. DiezakBemol.com says:

    L’idée est superbe, n’abandonnez surtout pas. Dièz ak Bemòl vous encourage et vous supporte dans votre initiative.

  2. bareyournaketruth says:

    Thank you so much for following my blog!! :-)

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