Pascale Doxy: Long Métrage (Haiku d’amour)

Ton regard, le mien
Pleine lune sous fond étoilé
Acte 1, scène 1

Nos doigts s’effleurent
Nos  souffles qui se rapprochent
Un nouvel acte

Meringue créole
De nos deux corps embrasés
Rose baccarat

Appels  indomptés
De nos frissons passionnés
Profond corps à corps

Chair frémissante
Perlée de rosée tendre
Douce luxure

La brise du soir
Entracte pour cœurs à corps
Deuxième scène…

Florida, June 13, 2011

*   *   *

Pascale Doxy is an artist born and raised in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.  While working as both a teacher and a school administrator in the Caribbean country, she managed to write several books for children grades 1 to 11: Guides de Savoir-vivre.

Following the 2010 earthquake, Pascale moved to Florida, where she has showcased her paintings and poems about the tragedy. She is currently planning other exhibits and looking forward to publishing her children and young adult stories.

Click here to read another poem by Pascale and here to appreciate her visual art.

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