Posted on 10.18.12 Troupe de danse Ekspresyon
Grand spectacle de chants et de danse avec Carole D. Marolé!
Posted on 10.18.12 New Release
The English version of “LA LEGENDE DE QUISQUEYA” is now available!
Posted on 06.17.12 Nouvelle parution
Disponible sur Kindle. Message de l’auteur: “C’est un éloge à L’Afrique à travers le personnage de la mère de Dussable, le fondateur de Chicago, mais c’est aussi une esquisse de l’Histoire d’Haïti et de la manière dont cette histoire a changé le cours de l’histoire du monde. Partage ce livre avec tes collègues et amis et aide-moi à en faire un bestseller mondial sur Kindle.”
Posted on 05.25.12 Nouvelle publication
Le dernier roman d’Edgard Gousse
Les Éditions du CIDIHCA
Posted on 05.24.12 Salon du Livre de Washingon, DC
Posted on 05.23.12 Nouvelle parution: Margaret Papillon
Black & White on Cream paper
146 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1475266405
ISBN-10: 1475266405
BISAC: Fiction / Action & Adventure
C’est la Toussaint, c’est la fête des Morts !
Wally, Carole et Pablo le singe, nos jeunes héros de « Le Trésor de la Citadelle Laferrière » et de « Sortilèges au carnaval de Jacmel » sont quelque peu découragés. Ils avaient longtemps espéré pouvoir passer la semaine de vacances de la fête des Morts au Cap-Haïtien avec leurs cousins Bernard et Kelly, ceux de leur grande aventure à la Citadelle, mais, malheureusement, ils avaient vu ce vieux rêve s’effriter lorsque leur mère leur avait annoncé que ceux-ci partaient pour Montréal visiter leur grand-mère paternelle.
Nos jeunes héros se résignaient déjà à s’ennuyer ferme quand leur oncle, Ramsès Maurel, débarqua chez eux et les invita à l’île à vache. Une équipe d’experts en archéologie sous-marine allait séjourner à son hôtel. « Le Morgan », pour extirper de l’eau une ancienne, épave le « Pandora », ayant appartenu au célèbre pirate, le capitaine Henry Morgan, et il voulait absolument que ces neveux puissent vivre ce moment unique.
Grisés d’avance par cette perspective, Wally et Carole avaient accepté son invitation avec une joie immense.
Mais, au lieu de sortir le « Pandora » du fond des mers ce fut plutôt, ô surprise, le squelette, tout en os, d’un navire-fantôme qui monta à la surface.
Ce fait extraordinaire sera le point de départ d’une nouvelle et incroyable aventure.
Nos jeunes intrépides pourront-ils échapper à la malédiction des zombis ?
Le sorcier Hélas Dormébien saura-t-il déjouer les plans de Baron Samedi ?
Posted on 05.17.12 FOIRE DE FETE DES MERES: 25, 26, 27 MAI 2012 A FESTIVAL ARTS, HAITI
Seront en Signature vente mes trois nouveaux titres:
YAM, l’amour réncarné
Merci pour la fidélité.
Marie Alice Théard

Posted on 05.11.12 Au Delà du Féminisme
A lire: Texte sur le féminisme par Maryse Noel Roumain
Posted on 05.11.12 Potoprens se Pam:
Documentaire des Productions CIDIHCA présenté au Queens Museum et à CUNY
Posted on 05.09.12 Haitian Heritage Book Festival
Posted on 05.09.12 Art show: Universal Xplosion of Heart, by Rojmeck
Posted on 05.01.12 Boukan Returns!
Posted on 04.30.12 Foire artisanale au Florville
Posted on 04.19.12 Festival
Posted on 04.19.12 I HEART MIAMI
MIAMI, FL – (April 18, 2012) THE DIVA LOUNGE & SISTERS IN MOTION PRESENT: I heART MIAMI. The Diva Lounge, a multi-media company connecting female tastemakers online and in-person, will return to South Florida, once again partnering with Sisters in Motion, Inc. to celebrate premier women in the arts. Five notable women who have made a name for themselves in the areas of music, performing and visual arts will be recognized during this private cocktail reception powered by Chambord Vodka. Guests will gather at the Little Haiti Cultural Center in Miami, FL for the opportunity to network and mingle amongst their peers, event hosts and honorees, while enjoying complimentary cocktails and select vendors including original art by Gerald Ivey and the brand new Motives for LaLa cosmetics collection. Event hosts Shayna D. (Founder, The Diva Lounge/Media Personality) and Vanessa James (Vanessa James Media) will present awards to the evening’s honorees: Anna Pietraszko (Executive Director, Miami Music Project), Karin Bejerano (Director of Dance, Academy of Arts & Minds), Ingrid Bazin (Founder/ B Side Entertainment), Frances Esquenazi (Vice President/General Manager, Neiman Marcus Bal Harbour) and Sophia Lacroix (International Visual Artist). An exclusive pre-event cocktail reception will be held at Neiman Marcus Bal Harbour specifically for VIP guests prior to Saturday’s main event.
Date: Saturday April 28, 2012
Time: 6:30 – 9:30pm
Location: Little Haiti Cultural Center (212 – 260 NE 59th Terrace – Miami, FL)
Posted on 04.14.12
April 22: The 15th Haitian Book Day
For eight years now, The Association of Haitian and Francophone Studies of the Department of Foreign Languages, ESL, and Humanities has been hosting a daylong program: The Haitian Book Day, which gathers more than thirty Haitian authors coming from Haiti, the New York area, Canada, and Europe.
This year, in addition to putting more than two thousand books on display at the Atrium and having a huge number of Haitian authors, we will have Syto Cavé, a famous Haitian writer, and Hérard Jadotte, director of the State University of Haiti Press, to join us as our guest speakers.
DATE/ TIME: Sunday, April 22nd/ 11am to 6pm
LOCATION: York College, CUNY
94-20 Guy R Brewer Boulevard Google Map
Take the E or the F to Jamaica – 179th Street
Posted on 04.13.12 New book
Amanda Exantus has always shared a passion to speak into the lives of young ones and be a blessing and a light in any way that she can. Born and raised in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, she grew up in a loving family consisting of both parents, her brother, sister and surrounded by wonderful family members. She was given the opportunity to travel and pursue her education in the United States. During her stay, she encountered many individuals who, in some way or another, poured wisdom in her life. Her biggest dream is to go back home to be an asset and a positive voice in the upbringing of the youngsters of her country. After the tragic earthquake Haiti had faced on January 12, 2010, she perceived the catastrophe as an incentive to achieve her goal. Along with her faith in God, she is confident she will see the day when her country will offer hope and opportunities to the youth and guide and help them to live to the best of their abilities.
Posted on 04.13.12 Music
David Bontemps: Lancement de l’album VIBRATIONS
Posted on 04.13.12 New book
A Haitian child is becoming an orphan today; another is being cursed for life, and there is an attempt to murder a young Haitian person who is seeking freedom right now. Now is the time to read the story of the millions of Haitians who face slavery on a daily basis and struggle momentarily for what we call freedom. Now is the time to end the murdering of dark skinned Haitian women. Now is the time to end the worldwide psychological war against dark skinned women. Now is the time to end the black genocide.
Posted on 04.13.12 Haitian Heritage Month
Palm Beach County To Celebrate Haitian Heritage During The Month Of May 2012
The Palm Beach County Haitian Heritage Month Celebration Planning Committee proudly announces the events that will take place in support of 2012 Heritage Month. The month-long series of activities will begin on May 1st with an Opening Ceremony and Reception at the Lantana Road Branch Library, 4020 Lantana Road at 6:00 PM featuring well-known artist Jean Michel Daudier. This initial event will be followed by a number of cultural and academic activities at various dates and locations.
Haitian Heritage Month commemoration recognizes the valuable contributions made by Haitians to the history of the World and Palm Beach County. It is a celebration of Haitian history and culture and an opportunity to share this culture with our communities. On May 18, 2012, Haitian flag-raising ceremonies will take place at Boynton Beach City Hall and Lake Worth City Hall.
“Our goal is to build up the self-esteem of all Haitians in our community and the whole world,” said Retired Major Joseph Bernadel, Co-founder of Toussaint L’Ouverture High School for Art and Social Justice and this year Chairman of the committee.
Other Haitian Heritage Month highlights include several cultural and educational events at various Palm Beach County Library branches: a traditional student essay contest sponsored by Gaskov Clergé Foundation; a Haitian Heritage Book Festival, an Photo Exhibit featuring prominent Haitian figures in Palm Beach County, a brunch at the Transportation Department of the School District of Palm Beach County, a day-long cultural festival/Community Outreach in Belle Glade on May 26; and much more. Visit for more details.
The School District of Palm Beach County partners with Palm Beach County Library System and Toussaint L’Ouverture High School for Arts and Social Justice to coordinate these events.
Haitian and Haitian American students represent the largest ethnic minority group from a single country in the School District of Palm Beach County with more than 14,000 students. According to community activists, Palm Beach County is home to more than 90,000 Haitians.
Admission to all Haitian Heritage Month events is free and open to the public.
For more information, contact Bito David (561) 644-6488 or ; Jane Marcel (561) 654-1048 or ; or Marjorie Lear at (561) 233-2783 .
Posted on 04.09.12 New website
Dear all,
Please allow me to invite you to visit my new website at www.
Michel Doret
Posted on 04.09.12 New release
L’ouvrage est déjà disponible dans toutes les librairies.
Lire l’article sur Le Nouvelliste
Posted on 04.09.12 New release
L’ouvrage est déjà disponible dans toutes les librairies.
Posted on 04.09.12 New release
Bonjour de Montréal.
J’ai le plaisir de vous informer, ce 31 mars 2012, que notre ouvrage de référence «L’aménagement linguistique en Haïti: enjeux, défis et propositions » (Éditions du Cidihca, Montréal, et Éditions de l’Université d’État d’Haïti, Port-au-Prince, février et juin 2011) a fait l’objet d’une note critique de lecture dans la version en ligne du bulletin de l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), « Le français à l’université » (no 1, mars 2012). Cette note critique peut être consultée à l’adresse suivante :
La note de lecture est également accessible sur « Potomitan » à l’adresse :
sur « Montray Kreyòl » :
sur le site de « Haiti Nation » :–enjeux-defis-et-propositions&catid=35:libre-tribune&Itemid=78
et aussi sur le portail Identidades Brest-Caribe :
La seconde édition du livre paraîtra sous peu aux Éditions du Cidihca. Cette réédition comprend l’ajout d’un document historique de premier plan : la version créole officielle de la Constitution de 1987 votée par l’Assemblée constituante.
Merci d’avoir l’amabilité de partager la note de lecture avec vos amis et correspondants dans vos réseaux habituels.
Bien cordialement,
Robert Berrouët-Oriol
Posted on 04.09.12 New release
Cher(e)s ami(e)s,
J’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution de mon livre intitulé Exil au crépuscule. Publié aux éditions Apopsix en partenariat avec Radio France Internationale, l’ouvrage raconte la difficile fuite vers la France d’un journaliste haïtien pour sauver sa vie après une tentative d’assassinat à Port-au-Prince. Mais le récit personnel mis à part, Exil au crépuscule est un poignant plaidoyer en faveur de la liberté de la presse, la liberté d’expression et le droit à l’information. Des sujets qui restent prégnants même dans les plus grandes démocraties.
L’ouvrage est déjà disponible dans tous les réseaux classiques de distribution de livres mais j’espère pouvoir assurer des ventes signatures autant en grands qu’en petits cercles. Faites circuler l’information autour de vous et dans vos réseaux divers. Je reste à votre disposition pour tous éléments d’informations complémentaires.
Dans l’attente de vous compter parmi les lectrices et les lecteurs de Exil au crépuscule, je vous prie d’agréer mes distinguées salutations.
Philomé Robert
[email protected]
A propos de l’auteur : Ancien journaliste de Radio Vision 2000 à Port-au-Prince et de RFI à Paris, Philomé Robert est présentateur des éditions d’informations du week-end sur la chaine française d’informations internationales France 24. Diplômé de la faculté de Linguistique appliquée et de la faculté de Droit de Port-au-Prince, de l’Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne et de Sciences Po à Paris, Philomé Robert vit à Paris depuis 10 ans. Exil au crépuscule est son premier livre. Il est par ailleurs co-auteur d’un ouvrage intitulé Haïti réinventer l’avenir publié début 2011 conjointement aux éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme et de l’Université d’Etat d’Haïti sur la vie en Haïti avant, pendant et après le séisme du 12 janvier 2010.
Posted on 03.20.12 Flights of Fancy
Click here for more info.
Posted on 03.20.12 The Parent Leadership Training Institute
For more info, click here.
Posted on 03.16.12 Salon du Livre de Washigton
Posted on 03.16.12 The Sixth Annual Women of Power Conference
Posted on 03.11.12 New release
Posted on 03.11.12 New release
Les éditions Mémoire d’encrier vous invitent au lancement du roman Détour par First Avenue de Myrtelle Devilmé.
Livre, soleil, rire, vin et d’autres surprises agréables vous attendent.
Faites le détour pour ce thriller politique à la sauce haïtienne…
Le vendredi 23 mars à la Librairie Port de tête à partir de 18h.
Librairie Port de tête : 262, av du Mont-Royal E Montréal, QC H2T 1P5 (514) 678-9566
Posted on 03.08.12 Celebrating Womanhood
Posted on 03.07.12 New release
Posted on 03.06.12 Edwidge Danticat at Broward College
Posted on 03.06.12 Book Release
Posted on 02.25.12 Book Release
The Children of Injustice is a memoir that tells the story of how a mother and daughter were let down by the Haitian justice system when they needed it the most. It’s about poverty and violence, rape and childhood abuse, disappointment and desperation. Most of all, it’s about hope.
Visit the author’s website.
Posted on 02.25.12 Book Release
Voodoo Intersection: Poverty, Crime and Disease in Haiti by Yonie Richard (Paperback)
Retail Price: $13.95
Genre: HISTORY / Caribbean & West Indies / General
Potions that turn people into zombies. Poisons that are biological weapons any terrorist would envy. Bloody, sacrificial ceremonies that appease malevolent spirits. These are the tools of the voodoo practitioner. These are the sources of all Haiti’s trouble. In 1804 Haiti became the first black led republic in the world and the first nation in Latin America to win its independence, yet today its population is far worse off than it was two hundred years ago. How could that be? Voodoo Intersection shows how Haitian voodoo beliefs and practices have caused the devastating poverty, crime and disease in Haiti today, and it provides valuable new insight into the long term plight of a once proud and noble Haitian culture.
Yonie Richard grew up in the small town of Hinche, Haiti, and moved to Port-au-Prince when she was seventeen. After attending engineering school, she worked for the Duvalier regime. Every Wednesday and Saturday in the capital city she would see the zombies coming into market to do the shopping for their masters. She finally immigrated to America, but on her return visits to her homeland through 2010, she has seen more and more of the devastating effects on her people from the degraded voodoo practices unique to Haiti. She wrote Voodoo Intersection so that future generations of her people will descend no further down this terrible dwindling spiral.
Visit the author’s webpage at for more information.
Posted on 02.25.12 Interview with Maryse Roumain on Voices from Haiti
Posted on 02.05.12 Call for Submissions
To commemorate the second anniversary of the earthquake of January 12, 2010 in Haiti, Edition Multicultural Women’s Presence, Inc. is preparing an anthology titled Cris et Larmes / Cries and Tears / Rel ak dlo nan je.
This anthology offers a forum that will give voice to women who were greatly affected by this tragedy which devastated our land and who continue, two years later, to be concerned. The volume will contain texts in prose and poetry from Haitian women in Haiti and in the diaspora testifying their emotions and the experiences lived during the earthquake. The book will formulate important questions about the future of Haitian women and about the country. We will also include the voices of women from other countries who are working in solidarity with Haiti.
We are appealing to all those who are interested in having their voices heard. Therefore, we would greatly appreciate it if you would send us via e-mail a text in prose or poetry relating your reactions to the earthquake, your support after the tragedy and what are in your view the perspectives for the future of Haitian women and for Haiti in general.
If you decide to submit a text for this volume and following the approval of the Editing Committee, your text will appear in the anthology titled: CRIS ET LARMES / CRIES AND TEARS / REL AK DLO NAN JE. Upon receipt, we will consider your text as a permission to publish.
Multicultural Women’s Presence, Inc. is a non profit organization founded in 1999, at the service of women. Reviewing and editing texts and also the cost of lay-out and printing is definitely a challenge for a small independent press. While the authors retain their copyright, we ask all participants to graciously renounce any royalties and we thank them for letting others know about this upcoming publication along with other MWP’s published titles.
We would like you to include with your text a biographical note of 50 to 75 words maximum, your e-mail address, your regular post office address and your telephone number. Even if you have already submitted a draft, please send a formal bio by the stated deadline. The texts received without the biographical note will be considered incomplete and will not be included in the anthology.
We are glad for your participation in this project and expect to receive your text on or before the deadline of February 20, 2012
Title: Cris et Larmes / Cries and Tears / Rel ak dlo nan je
Format; Texte in word times new roman 12”
Languages: french, creole, english
Deadline: FEBRUARY 20, 2012
Number of words: Maximum 800 to 1000 for a text in prose / 500 for a poem
Biography: Maximum 50 to 75 words
Please send text to both: and
In solidarity,
Editing Committee
Florence Bellande-Robertson
Edwidge Danticat
Evelyne Ducheine-Cartright
Claudine Michel
Marlène Racine-Toussaint
Posted on 02.03.12
Tigertail brings back Lenelle Moïse, a powerhouse poet, theater artist and dynamic speaker. Lenelle Moïse offers interactive performances and workshops that address race, class, feminism, LGBTQ identities, new theater aesthetics, immigration and Haitian-American culture. She creates intimate, fiery, politicized texts about the intersection of race, class, gender, sexuality, culture and compassion. Her delivery is at once conversational and polished. Fueled by the motto “Words rouse worlds,” she regularly presents interactive performances and workshops that empower diverse groups of people to creatively speak up and act for social change.”Lenelle Moïse brings fierce passion…”–The New York Times”Lenelle Moïse…gives vivid life…intensity.”–Variety | FRI / FEB 10 / 8 PM BOOKS & BOOKS 265 Aragon Avenue Coral Gables Reading/Performance FREEGo to our website for maps and directions |
SPEAKOUT YOUTH EVENTS February 6-10, 2012
Miami Beach Botanical Garden, Pridelines, Safe Schools South Florida and the Gay Straight Alliances at M-Dade Public Schools. See schedule at For information and to participate call Tigertail at 305 324 4337.
Posted on 02.02.12 Coming soon!
Posted on 01.28.12 Mahalia Solages’ latest children book, What Trip Is This, is now available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Posted on 01.27.12 Gary Victor remporte le prix Casa de las Americas pour « Le sang et la mer »
Lire l’article sur Le Nouvelliste
Photo: Frederick Alexis/Magic Haiti
Posted on 01.27.12 Come and support Michèle Voltaire Marcelin, Nancy Turnier Ferere, Herve Fanini-Lemoine, Margaret Papillon, Navia Magloire and Bito David.
Posted on 01.26.12 New release / Nouvelle parution / Sur les traces d’un géant, le demi-siècle des laboratoires 4C par Margaret Papillon.
Extrait: Les résultats de ces cinquante ans de travail se révèlent tout à fait positifs et prouvent encore une fois que le succès ne peut être atteint que par le souci du travail bien fait, une discipline constante et à toute épreuve et le rejet absolu de toutes formes d’inertie. Depuis la création de l’entreprise en 1952, la direction de la 4C a axé sa philosophie sur la qualité et a toujours été à l’écoute des consommateurs en tenant compte, à chaque instant, de leurs desiderata. Notre objectif reste et demeure de surpasser l’attente du client et de ne jamais faire mentir notre slogan : « Notre priorité, c’est votre santé ! »
Posted in 11.11 Maryse Noel Roumain’s new book, Evocation of My Past, is now available for sale. Email the author at [email protected].
Posted in 11.11 Mise en distribution en France de l’anthologie de la “poésie érotique féminine française contemporaine”. Publication de l’éminent Professeur GIOVANI DOTOLI aux éditions HERMANN lettres (www. Editions-hermann. fr) ISBN 978 2 7056 8095 4. Y sont publiés les textes de 81 poétesses parmi desquelles figure Marie-Alice Théard (4 poèmes publiés).
Posted in 11.11 Congratulations to Liliane Nérette-Louisfor her wonderful contribution to the chapter about culture work in the book Immigration and Women: Understanding the American Experience.
I enjoy this site. Our Voices do matter. Thank you for creating this site. l’ll make many visits.
Katia D Ulysse
Celebrate the Creative Haitian Spirit
I like this site, it’s very informative. Thank you for the announcement (s). Thank you Writers of Haiti!
Kiki Wainwright
Thank you for creating this website it takes me right home from home away. Gives me the opportunity to communicate with my people what’s happening in the community and it’s a real pleasure.
With great Love
Chef Elle Philippe