Issue 2.7: September-October 2011

A heartfelt thanks to those who support WWOHD

Our website will be online for one more year, thanks to our new members: Maryse Cayemitte-Elysée, Cassandra Pascal (Underestimated Diamond), Marlène Rigaud Apollon, Mahalia Solages, Marie-Thérèse Labossière Thomas, Schiller Marcelin, and Jessy Trouillot.

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Get inspired!
Jesse Darling, Yvette Leroy, Jan Mapou,
& Marjory Sheba are on Onè? Respè!

Put your reading panama on and enjoy:
Notes on Bricolage, by guest author Jesse Darling (nonfiction, English)
Pwezigram, by guest author Jan Mapou (poetry, Creole)
Be Blessed, by Marjory Sheba (poetry, English)
Manman Ayiti, by Yvette Leroy(poetry, English)

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Nos moins de vingt-cinq ans:
Mathilde Pierre & Jeffrey Pierre

Lisez nos jeunes plumes!
The Time Has Come, by Mathilde Pierre (nonfiction, English)
An Agent of Change, by Jeffrey Pierre (essay, English)

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Meet Mimi Ferebee & Pascale Doxy
Are you an artist? Send us something!

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Maryse Noël Roumain

“la Lettre, lorsqu’elle est marquée d’une exigence littéraire,
a des enjeux qui lui sont propres. Il s’agit d’une quête singulière,
de l’élaboration d’un cadre singulier permettant l’expression
d’un dire singulier et suffisant par lui-même.”

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