“So Spoke the Earth” at Books & Books

Saturday, Dec 15, 2012. 7:00 pm. Books & Books, in Coral Gables.

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Many came to meet literary legend Edwidge Danticat as she read from SO SPOKE THE EARTH, an anthology edited by M.J. Fievre and the Women Writers of Haitian Descent. Other readers included Kathie Klarreich, Liliane Nerette-Louis, and Ketsia Theodore-Pharel. Hosted by M.J. Fievre and Mahalia Solages.

FOCUS ON HAITI: SO SPOKE THE EARTH is a multilingual anthology of literature about Haiti that explores its past, present and future as experienced by its diverse inhabitants—both native and non-native—over the past four decades. Featuring the accounts of both Haitian and non-Haitian writers and their attempts to grapple with the impact left on them by their personal experiences with the island-nation, the anthology presents each work in its original language: English, French and Haitian-Creole. Through various narratives and poems, the literary legacy and unique history of the island are highlighted in content and style


  1. Lloyd need to make contct says:

    Need to make contact with your group members. Would love to have some of your writers poets to attend our meeting on June 15/2013 and July 13/ 2013 having a tribute to Haitian Authors and poets.
    Lloyd Allahar

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